Friday, September 27, 2013

Who are the shapes in your neighbourhood?

Plenty of the projects we've created for Explaining Understanding deal with spacial skills and geometry. In this particular set of excersizes, students are encouraged to use real life images to make comparisons. After all, it's important to see geometric shapes for what they are - things that exist in the real world!

Angle Measurement on Pictures -
A series of photos of different things made up of multiple angles. The protractor image is provided and students can then zoom in on the images they are measuring as much as they like. Aside from simply "measuring" things, possible discussion points include:
Do you see certain angles more frequently than others? (right, acute, obtuse?) Why do you think this is?
Which pictures are easiest to measure? Which ones are hardest? Why does perspective matter in photographs? What's the difference between measuring angles on a two-dimensional versus a three-dimensional object?

2D objects -
Here students can slide images of two dimensional shapes on top of the various slides and vind them in the images. Some are easy to recognize, like squares and circles, while others are more difficult, such as the trapezoid. Any shapes that are not age appropriate can be eliminated from the excersize before handing it to children.

3D objects -
Similar to the above excersize, except this time students are challenged to find three dimensional shapes in the images. Some are much more common than others. Possible points of discussion include things like:
What makes something a cube and not a rectangular prism?
Squares are relatively common 2D objects but not very common 3D objects. Why do you suppose that is?

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