Friday, September 27, 2013

Science gets a turn - Tidal Zones and Chemistry

Another deviation from Math, this time we're venturing into Science, it's close cousin! These projects really just scratch the surface of the number of possible science related projects that could be made with Explain Everything. Right now, they tackle chemistry and biology and make for good challenges for students.

Tidal Zone Creator -
On the first slide of this project is an assortment of sea creatures and plants typically found within the tidal regions of the BC coast. But where do each of these critters typically make it's home? In the relatively dry splash zone, or down near the subtidal fringer, where predators like starfish are always on the move? This project allows students to copy and paste the images between the slides. It may require some research for students to find where all the different plants and animals go. Or, conversely, teachers could simply require students only to place a few of the images. The second slide, where students would be copying their work onto, includes three moveable rock shelves that students can bring forward or send backward, depending on how they want to make their tidal scene. The image above is a complete version of the tidal zones, with everything placed where you would find it in the ocean (though some organisms will travel between various zones) and can be copied by students who feel less confident with creating the excersize from scratch.

Chemical Reaction Balancer -
As promised, here is one of our chemistry excersizes! Designed to help students see that they often need varied numbers of molecules in order for chemical reactions to come out balanced at the end. Currently, the molecules are joined together, but by triple tapping on the individual elements, the atoms will come apart and allow students to reassemble them into new molecules. Joined molecules can also be duplicated so that students can get enough components in order to finish chemical reactions.

Combustion Balancer -
Similar to the project above, but focusing exclusively on hydrocarbons and combustion. Students can see how the number of oxygen molecules changes in combustion equations based on what type of hydrocarbon is being burned.

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